The darkness of hatred has no power where the light of love shines strong.
Read MoreWe are called into presence and inner steadiness in every moment.
Read MoreWhen each person takes small steps in their own self-realization, they impact the Vastness of the Whole more than they realize.
Read More“God” is not outside of you. God, Source, Creator, Divine Essence is what birthed your very Soul. You ARE God, you ARE Creator. YOU are All That Is.
Read MoreChildren have been coming into the world who are carriers of this light of love. Naturally shining into the world. Listen to the children. Allow them to be who they are. Nurture them to love and respect themselves. Protect their innocence. Teach them loving kindness.
Read MoreClimb onto the white mares at the forefront of the waves of change. Feel the strength in your core as you allow yourself to be just who you are, shadow and light, and ride to victory.
Read MoreThere will be “phoenix rising from the ashes” moments in the future as we create a new way of living on Earth.
Read MoreUnfortunately humanity hasn’t moved the dial yet from arrogance, fear and control, to compassion, cooperation and respect. What feeds the mind, feeds the heart. What people focus on, feeds their actions and perceptions.
Read MoreContinue allowing yourself to receive the energetic support of love that is flowing to you by us – your soul family in the higher octaves. We are a reservoir of loving energy for you.
Read MoreWe are all connected to one another, like the way trees in a forest are connected through subterranean fungi – we Humans are connected through electromagnetic frequencies running subconsciously within the fields of energy around us
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