Messages from Leilah and
the vastness of being
Some are seeing with long vision above and beyond the tumult and the density of beliefs to a horizon of possibility, of mystery and blossoming creativity where Humanity chooses to rise into unity and consciously create a thriving, joyful being…
When each person takes small steps in their own self-realization, they impact the Vastness of the Whole more than they realize.
When we find the thread of love through the pain, it expands and helps to lift us into an energy stream of love and innocence, which I perceive as Source. It has always been within us - it is our true nature, our life force (love force) energy.
“God” is not outside of you. God, Source, Creator, Divine Essence is what birthed your very Soul. You ARE God, you ARE Creator. YOU are All That Is.
You are being affected by the energies that move through the sun and send waves throughout your solar system.
Children have been coming into the world who are carriers of this light of love. Naturally shining into the world. Listen to the children. Allow them to be who they are. Nurture them to love and respect themselves. Protect their innocence. Teach them loving kindness.
Being in the world, not of the world allows you to release your mental and emotional bodies from the drama and rise above into this world of creation where you find your true essence of joy and innocence.
Climb onto the white mares at the forefront of the waves of change. Feel the strength in your core as you allow yourself to be just who you are, shadow and light, and ride to victory.
There will be “phoenix rising from the ashes” moments in the future as we create a new way of living on Earth.
On days when you feel the heaviness of the planetary consciousness, stop your doing and take a moment to sit and breathe, go within, access your heart and find love.
When one disengages from the programming and brings in more self-love, self-acceptance, and forgiveness, one finds the bridging energies that carries one to the new stream.
It is as if you are moving through a narrow passageway and many distractions are pulling at you on a personal level and on a larger collective level.
Unfortunately humanity hasn’t moved the dial yet from arrogance, fear and control, to compassion, cooperation and respect. What feeds the mind, feeds the heart. What people focus on, feeds their actions and perceptions.
The realization of the power you hold when united is the gift of this time of turmoil and strife.
Small moments of deep insight are all around you - are there for you all, as you nurture yourselves and remain as witnesses to what is happening around you.
Something so amazing and so beyond the duality of how we have lived for so long is forming a new frequency of great possibility . . .
As we have always said to you, you are more powerful than you know. You don't fully realize this power due to limitations placed on you through programming, beliefs and patterns.
Continue allowing yourself to receive the energetic support of love that is flowing to you by us – your soul family in the higher octaves. We are a reservoir of loving energy for you.
We are all connected to one another, like the way trees in a forest are connected through subterranean fungi – we Humans are connected through electromagnetic frequencies running subconsciously within the fields of energy around us
How much of what we believe as our reality has actually come from ancestral fear frequencies held in our DNA and transmitted to us through our parents? It’s baggage that isn’t even ours!
Greatest possibility of human expansion and evolution comes from love, a sweetness, innocence, kindness, a deeper knowing of oneself as Source.
Take heart, the Divine Feminine energy is like a great wave sweeping through all of humanity all over the earth. This wave cannot be stopped. There will be chaos, there will be uprisings from those who resist love, but love will prevail.
The monoliths represent joy and playfulness and delight and breakthrough. Breaking through the ceiling of limitation. As monoliths rise in symbolic wonder, they symbolize the mystery of life. They are reflective or burnished to shine as a doorway, a portal to the imagination.
The light grid of energy around the earth, which we contribute to through our conscious, awakened intentions, helps to support and refine the highest frequencies, assisting the earth and sun in bringing forth and maintaining a high frequency of energy. This is the birthing into a more refined dimension of awareness for Earth and Humanity. Right now, the grid is filled with violet light, bringing forth transformation for all of life on Earth. It is a gradual process, but it is in an accelerated frequency at this time
We are in a narrow passage, and yet there’s also a feeling of expansion, which creates our spiraling movement forward. It is a difficult birth. We are the contraction and expansion. Gently, gradually expanding in all directions and dimensions opens us to embody our Soul more fully, which is part of what is being birthed within us.
No longer will Humanity be controlled and manipulated by fear, lack and poverty. This great change will bring a spiritual awakening to Humanity that will be joyous to behold and experience.