Multidimensional Crossroads,
Pastel, visual journal 8/13/2021
We are at a crossroads, but it isn’t just four possible directions, it is a crossroads of many probable timelines going in many different directions. We need to feel into the timeline that we wish to immerse ourselves in, navigating from our hearts, with our intuition. I choose love, fun, creativity, cooperation, joy.
A friend was recently expressing anxiety over the possibility of AI taking over humanity. A certain billionaire has a company that will offer various implants for people in the future, which will integrate AI into the human body and this causes a great deal of fear and anxiety for some. I am feeling that just because that possibility is there, doesn’t mean we are powerless, doesn’t mean that is the only direction we can go in.
We are Birthing our Divine Human
There is also a timeline that embodies the rising Divine Feminine energy that is glowing and moving throughout the grid of light within and around the Earth. Do not fear as to where you are at within this choosing. Follow the love, the energy of love. Tune in to your heart, breathe love, be love. Some days that may feel difficult. That’s when we need to take moments to nurture and love ourselves. If we lean too far out into what is happening in the world, we can feel like we’ve lost our connection to love, but the thread is still there in our hearts. This is not an easy transition. But, as in the transition of the birth process, there’s a moment when a child is being born that the mother feels a fierce, chaotic, crazy energy. We can think of ourselves as being in this kind of transition as we birth our Divine Human Selves.
We have assistance from our Soul families – some of whom are not on Earth in the physical. Here are some messages that have been flowing through to me.
Continue allowing yourself to receive the energetic support of love that is flowing to you by us – your soul family in the higher octaves. We are a reservoir of loving energy for you. Breathe the energy in consciously. This reservoir is always available to you.
Clearing With Love
Pastel, visual journal 7.23/2021
Going through a portal
You are passing through a portal into a higher frequency, a new place called home. We are your Soul Tribe. We are with you to remind you of who you are. You can look out through your eyes upon the world from this higher perspective. You do not have to lower your energy to be there [on Earth in 3D] anymore. Maintain dignity. Maintain your place within your experience. Maintain your multidimensional focus and be on earth at the same time.
You are holding the [highest] frequency and stepping into a new world at the same time as being in the old. You are also still clearing the old density out of your system. So be mindful about what you focus on. Be mindful of what triggers you to lapse into your old pain. Especially when you go out into the world to be with other people. Throughout your day, when you “chop wood and carry water”, focus on the bigger picture of you and who you are so that you can embody your soul essence. You will need the stability of integrating your Divine Soul Essence in the times to come.
Integrating our Divine Soul Essence is the same thing as birthing our Divine Human. We have been clearing density from our field for years so that we could love ourselves and be within love’s radiance, embodying our Divine Soul Essence. This is a daily practice and includes being in the moment of NOW. Over and over, we navigate ourselves back into the moment of now.
As we remember who we are - the vast experience of our Souls - we become the Divine Human - this is our evolutionary awakening. Contemplate on this as you embody the truth of your being and begin to remember your Soul’s wisdom.
Feeling the Pain of a Hurting World
Patriarchal (yang) energies are inflamed all over the world, but the cooling essence of love is also rising. When you take a moment to sit in stillness, breathe love within yourself and see yourself as a transmitter, sending the cooling yin energy of love, calmness and peace out into the world. Humans are transmitters and receivers of energy and are feeling the weight of the world. We are not alone, we are connected through an energetic network of consciousness. We feel the fear and chaos that many others are experiencing in the world at the moment, as many are fleeing their homes because of political strife, wildfires, floods and other forces of nature. Many others are losing loved ones due to the virus that is spreading through Humanity. Our energy and focus makes a difference. If you are blessed to be in a place of relative calm, take moments to send that calm out into the world to wherever it needs to go. Many people’s heads are on fire over political issues and decisions that affect the whole of Humanity. It is helpful to rise above the noise and chatter to a refined energy field of love, peace and calmness. Following the events in the world, while important for those who want to know what the driving forces are in the moment, can also take our energy down, so it’s important to find a balance. When feeling information overload, take a step back, ground and fill with love. Ask for assistance from your Soul family, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, whoever you call on for help.
Space Monster or Thought Form Attachment?
There is a giant blob of dark energy that I have seen with my inner eye for many years that is clamped onto the energy field of the earth like a huge octopus. I call it the “big blob”. It feeds on fear in all its forms and it sends tentacles down into the hearts of human beings. Many of us have been clearing its influence from our lives, our bodies, our minds for years – fear, shame, guilt, jealousy, envy, etc. We are also clearing the influence of this parasite from our ancestral lineage and our DNA. As we continue to do this work for ourselves and amplify love, the tentacles of this big, black blob, will withdraw from the hearts of Human Beings and the blob will literally shrivel up and its influence will dissolve from humanity. But only if we create a loving space in our heart field where the blob’s tentacles can no longer connect. As I see it, this is our mission… to diffuse the influence of the blob by amplifying love, which is poison to it. So, we are stepping up the amplification of divine love within ourselves and the world as we continue to grow into the knowing that we are not separate from each other. I will have more to say on this parasite at another time, but for now, knowing that we can shed this influence, through love, can help us to maintain our energetic integrity.
EDIT: Upon further reflection, I realize that I interpreted this “blob” incorrectly - and from a victim perspective. This perspective is disempowering and enables us to blame an outer force for our circumstances instead of taking responsibility for the circumstances of our lives. This thing is actually a huge thought form attachment - formed by the thoughts of Human Beings for centuries. The story of Humanity is a story of trauma, repeated over and over again. Thoughts and emotions are energy and, when repeated enough times they can form an entity that is fed by the energy of the very thoughts and emotions that created it in the first place. I have helped clients clear these attachments from their energy fields. It stands to reason that, throughout centuries of trauma and fear, there would be a huge entity attachment in the Earth’s energetic field. This “blob” is not feeding off of us or sending tentacles into us - we are actually feeding it through our fearful thoughts and emotions. When I tune in to this entity, I feel a deep and profound sadness. So as we all do the work on ourselves of clearing fear from our energy field and filling our beings with love - as we learn to love ourselves deeply and fully, we are healing and helping to dissipate this energetic attachment in the Earth’s field.
Freedom and the “matrix”
Here is an excerpt from a personal channeling with the Vastness of Being that I received recently. I was reflecting upon the lack of freedom people are feeling in regards to precautions and mandates that governments are issuing regarding the pandemic.
Humanity has not been free for thousands of years. You have never really been free in your life on earth. Humanity has been enslaved by the economic system over the centuries, enforced by religion and political influences. Economic systems may have changed, but the foundation is the same. Human Beings are programmed to accept this reality through beliefs, patterns and illusions handed down from one generation to the next.
You are being reminded over and over again that you come from greatness and love. Light is pouring through you as water, carrying away the vestiges of memory, imprints, beliefs and patterns of the past.
Pastel, visual journal, 8/9/2021
Rise above fear by staying in the moment. The fears that have plagued Humanity for centuries continue playing out over and over again. What people commonly call the matrix has been around you for centuries. You can use the discordant vibration of the matrix to rise out of it by deepening your practice of staying in the moment and going within to the depth of your Soul, remembering the greatness of who you are. Your soul is vast, your life force energy comes directly from Source. Your Soul, in the fullness of your being, has travelled the galaxies. By focusing on the moment you are in and remembering the bigger , star seed picture of who you are and where you come from , you dissolve the pull of the past and the expectations of the future, which tether you to the matrix of beliefs.
You are not free and yet you are free. You have an opportunity now to expand from within your being, centered in love, radiating from your heart with love in the present moment. That is the key to true freedom - being in the present moment. This is where your power lies. This centeredness and love is what releases you from bondage to beliefs, patterns, yesterday, tomorrow. When you observe nature, and all the life in nature, you are in the now. Nature, earth, exists in the now. Your beloved dogs and cats and all the animals, fish, birds, insects – all are focused in their own moments of now. They are not regretting the past, longing for past moments or worrying about the future. That is why we tell you to go out among the trees and expand. When you are in a natural place, allow your field to expand and breathe deeply. Make this a practice. It opens you to your greatest essence. As you practice tuning into your heart with the intention of unity, and stay in the now moment, you expand your field and collapse the so-called matrix of beliefs, patterns and ancestral energetic constraints that keep you tethered to the discord.
As I re-read this message, I see that the discord within the “matrix” is linked to the big black entity attachment. I have been having a persistent vision of a “jungle jim” – the playground climbing bars I remember as a child. It represents the “matrix” and I am in the center and as I focus on being in the present moment and expanding the love within me, the energy that had tethered me to the bars dissolves and I float up and out of the structure into an expanding field of light. This is the beginning, like being born into a new field of possibilities.
Copyright © 2021 by Nancy Wallace Ward (aka Leilah). All rights reserved for original images and written material. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as it is kept intact and the author’s name and website are included.