Integral soul reading Testimonials:
Blessings & Gratitude, Leilah! What a wonderful gift you have given me. From the moment the reading began –your words, wisdom and guidance resonated as truth down to the deepest recesses of my soul. The clearing that followed removed the ‘fogginess’ that had recently surrounded my life purpose – and suddenly the doors burst open bringing me such clarity, focus and intention! You resonate with such pure love and intention that through the entire process I felt safe, loved and supported. Thank you for allowing me to reconnect with my truest self.
Linda Joy
Publisher, Aspire Magazine
Leilah is one of the most prolific channels I have ever experienced. She is a pure, neutral channel and a stellar guide. She has assisted me through some of my more intense Soul Work and helped me integrate pieces of my Self that had fragmented long ago. Always a gentle, compassionate guide, Leilah also knows when to ask the tough questions that crack you open to the evolution that wants to happen within you. I highly recommend collaborating with her in any capacity you are able to because she is really amazing! I am so grateful to have her on my team and you would be lucky to have her on yours too!
Overall, I can feel that my operational frequency has shifted to higher more ethereal level. . . Because you are so engaged in your work you may not be fully aware of your level of considerate regard and responsiveness to the individuals you work with. Your degree of engagement is rare and appreciated.
-Andy C.
Understanding my soul characteristics and place of origin helped me put everything I am doing at the moment into perspective, seeing the main purpose that pulls all the threads. Some of the aspects that Leilah – a complete stranger before our session - brought to me I had already some knowledge of, but self-doubt kicks in sometimes and we lean towards believing that we are fabricating all this. Hearing about the Goddess energy and how I am drawn towards a certain place in France because of other lifetime connections stirred a lot of emotion in me and catalyzed change, recognizing my own nature even more. It is beautiful and gratifying to find HOME within. In addition, there was more information that came through, about dimensions I was not familiar with, still everything resonated with me.
- Allesandra
Just about a year ago I received a session with Leilah. My beingness and my whole life has changed so much for the better since then. I believe the clearing and Leilah’s love and care had much to do with this and I am forever grateful. Thank you and Blessings to you.
- Anne
Life Situation Reading Testimonial:
In this session everything is much more personal, as the aim is to overcome limiting beliefs and sever cords that keep us connected to energy and people that we can now let go of, for the higher good of both. Leilah is a very gentle soul, yet a grounded and reliable guide, who accompanied me on this journey in a non-judgmental way, which made me feel safe and comfortable, being able to open up to her. The process is very cleansing and one emerges afterwards feeling that the weight of unnecessary debris has been left behind. In addition, there is a change of awareness and behaviour: to really embrace the positive transformation, one is constantly called to make choices that respond to a healthier and more resourceful pattern.
Child’s Akashic Record reading Testimonial:
“My 17 year old son was not acting like himself and it was getting worse by the day. We couldn’t even have a conversation without him yelling at me or being rude. I had worked with Leilah in the past with great results and knew that she could work with me on behalf of my son. Within days after she did the clearing, my son’s demeanor changed significantly. He is nice to me, smiling, laughing and even asked my advice on something! Having my son back has been the best Christmas present I could receive. I cannot thank Leilah enough!”
Lauren N., Pennsylvania
The meditations that I've been participating in with Leilah have been really awesome. We always start with an amazing exercise to relax us, then the Vastness of Being comes through with their message. It seems that each time the message has been perfect for me...almost like they were talking directly to me. Their love and concern really comes through, and Leilah's voice is the perfect conduit for it...very gentle and soothing. I always feel like I've gained something from these calls, whether it's answers to meditate upon, energies to bask in and incorporate, relaxation to enjoy...all of these things, really. Thank you so much Leilah! I'm happy to have found you.
- Vera, Southern California
I find your [telecalls] to be very powerful… and [that] explains why people don't have much to say afterward. Usually I remember things later or the next day. Your work is very sincere, profound and touching. Thanks so much.
-Joyce, Syracuse, NY
I really enjoyed the call last night. The Vastness of Being really spoke to a lot of what's going on in my life, and a lot of times it was at the exact same moment I was thinking about something, that's what they would address. Pretty cool.
Carol, New Jersey