Connecting in the Sea of Consciousness - The Vibe Report December 2, 2015
Greetings Beloveds,
I write “beloveds” because we are awakening more deeply into the knowing that we are not separate from one another, from love, from the beloved (Creator). I also see the words “be love” in the word beloved. Being love, giving love, receiving love is being in a state of grace. It is our choice to tap into the infinite flow of love as we become aware of the Universe within us and without us. We are vast multidimensional beings in the sea of consciousness, not separate from one another but connected through our Higher Mind. Awakening to this indelible connection is our strength as we come of age in these transformational times.
Connecting in the Sea of Consciousness
Whenever we meditate, or find inner stillness and intend to bring more love into our vibration, we are forming a link with every other person on the earth who is also consciously focusing on love. We can strengthen our telepathic abilities with this inner knowing that we are connected through the resonance of love. Meditating with other people and sharing a focus of love for Humanity and the world sends waves of love throughout the collective consciousness. Even when we are sitting alone, we can tune in to others who are doing this very thing, thereby strengthening and amplifying the love flowing around the earth through the heart of Humanity.
Focus on Love
I believe in the innate goodness of human beings. Humanity has been suffering from an illness for eons. The wound in the Soul of Humanity, caused by the lie of unworthiness has created an infection of fear in Humanity, which is present in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy bodies. Choosing love is what has been transforming and healing us all.
Let us not underestimate ourselves
We are currently witnessing and experiencing violent upheaval in the world coming from the distillation of the density of fear, hatred and control promulgated by the patriarchy. These energies are winding down and weakening because the critical mass of human consciousness has tipped the scale in favor of love. Of course it looks like it’s escalating, not winding down, however there is a rather small group resonating in fear and hatred compared to the larger body of Humanity that is rising into love. (They just get more press than the love children!) This is why it feels essential to me, personally, to amplify love within myself. To focus on love and not “lean into” the energy of fear, which is being amplified in the media – and people are buying into it and talking about it as if it were inevitable. Every time I read a news headline or investigate further to read a story about a situation in the world (although the headlines are all that are needed most times), I know I need to maintain my center and not lean into the energy of what is happening out there. Instead, I do my best to witness the event being reported and then I can see the ripples of effect that radiate outward from the initial event. In spite of the horror, fear, hatred and anger that are generated from such events, there are so many acts of love and compassion that come out of these incidents, as well. When those acts are amplified through mainstream and social media, it sends counter-waves back through to the source of the experience, diffusing the dense energy that started it all. As the people directly involved in the tragic events show us how they are refusing to turn their personal tragedies into hate, and as we see others rising to support and comfort those people, we are all inspired to be love. We owe it to ourselves and to Humanity to do our part in amplifying the loving and inspiring stories we hear and turn the focus away from fear and discouragement.
We don’t need no Patriarchy!
This idea bears repeating: for every act of racism, for every violent act no matter how big or how small, there is a counter measure of love that flows through the heart of Humanity. We don’t need a brainwashing, manipulative patriarchy to tell us what to believe or how to behave. Human Beings know the path of love is the only way to diffuse fear and all its ancillary devolutionary energies.
This energy of love is also supportive to those brave souls who are speaking out about the injustices they and others have endured, in order to change the broken system of government, religion and finance that has been the structure of the world for centuries. This love force energy supports all human beings who feel love. And I will say here, right now, thank you also to the whistleblowers who have laid their lives on the line to expose the lying liars and their lies – in government, religion and finance. Let’s continue sending waves of love to all who stand up for truth. In every little moment – whenever we hear a story of compassion and courage…send the love out to all involved. Even to the lying liars.
The parasitic beast of fear
It is as if there’s a great monster writhing in its death throes and lashing out in violence in our world.
Sacred activism is – to BE LOVE. Because the vibration of fear cannot exist where there is love and if we want to create a New Earth founded in love, that’s where we have to keep our focus. When we take to the streets in solidarity, saying NO to the broken system and raising awareness for humanitarian and earth-loving causes, it is essential to allow love to be the driving force, not anger, not finger-pointing bitterness, for that is fuel on the fire. The great monster feeds off of anger and hatred. This beast does all it can to foster fear, anger and hatred so there is more food for it. If you sincerely radiate love to this beast, it will falter and begin to weaken and eventually dissolve, because, as I already said, fear cannot exist where there is love.
And now, off the soapbox… here’s something else for your consideration: Ascended Ones
I have been contemplating the idea of there being Ascended Masters who are offering energetic assistance and wisdom to Humanity and so I have opened up a channel of communication to them. Below are some messages that have come through in the last month.
We are the ones who traveled through the nine gates and reached the dissolution into Light, into pure consciousness. We are returning to the earth plane, not in the physical but in consciousness to assist in the evolutionary movement in this timeline on Earth. We can reach our energy into the continuum through those who are open and vibrating in light with light. What is Light? Higher frequencies. Those such as yourself need to know that you are a frequency holder and that is what you are. It may at times feel like it is not enough, but that is because of the limitations of the mind clouded with beliefs that undermine the brilliant possibilities of Humanity. Treat your mind with love and move beyond the confines of stories of what was or what may be.
You have nothing to do but to be the light within you. Sit with that flow, pay attention. This light within you is a gateway – a star gate through which the loving life force energy of the Universe radiates. There is no beginning to this light. Close your eyes and see the Universe within you. Where does it start? Where does it enter? You could say it is in your DNA where that spark of light and life enter into the physical. But what about your consciousness? Well, it is not your consciousness, it is the consciousness, the Light, the Life Force Energy, Divine Creator Source. And what about your soul? Your soul is like a prism and consciousness is the light or life force energy of Divine Creator. This life force shines through your Soul’s prism and the vibration of your soul is your energetic signature in the vast sea of consciousness.
This is the beginning of a project I’m working on called Remember Who You Are. Many of us are ascended ones come “down” onto the Earth because she has called us to be here to assist with the transmutation of Humanity and the Earth into higher consciousness. And so it is time to remember who we are.
Love and Forgiveness
Whenever I hear people talk as if there is no hope for Humanity, as if Human Beings are a lost cause, I say NO. We have been infected with a poison and it is love that is the antidote. To not identify with the density of fear, we need to forgive ourselves and love ourselves. The practice of Ho’oponopono is very helpful. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice for clearing disharmony within human relationships. It’s about forgiveness and reconciliation and there is a prayer that flows along with this: “I love you, I love myself, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you, I forgive myself, thank you.” I’ve added a few elements to this prayer, specifically about loving and forgiving myself, which, I feel, is essential to healing of the wound of self-hatred and unworthiness that Humanity has been carrying for thousands of years.
Stay tuned… stay tuned in…radiate love…celebrate your hearts and our heart connections. Contemplate the concept of the Heart of Humanity and our Higher Mind and Collective Consciousness.
Take nothing personally and keep your sense of humor.
Nancy Leilah Ward
If these messages are helpful to you, please consider making a gratitude donation. Your support helps me immensely and fills me with appreciation.
Copyright © 2015 by Nancy Wallace Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved for IMAGES and written material. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website are included.
Some are seeing with long vision above and beyond the tumult and the density of beliefs to a horizon of possibility, of mystery and blossoming creativity where Humanity chooses to rise into unity and consciously create a thriving, joyful being…